The Nikolaev rive port

The Nikolaev rive port


  • 成立于 1882
  • 航運,貨代,物流
  • 從500到1000名員工

地点 烏克蘭 54058, 尼古拉耶夫州, Mykolaiv, str,Proektna,1

Dear sirs!

Joint-stock navigable company UKRRICHFLOT has 50 dry-cargo courts carrying capacity from 2880 up to 4560 tons working on ports of the Mediterranean pool and Continent and 70 courts, Dnepr working on ports and Danube.
Structure ASK UKRRICHFLOT includes four river ports on rights of Branches. These are the Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev river ports.
The Nikolaev river port is the modern port, capable to process up to 5 million tons in one year of various cargoes.
The basic nomenclature of cargoes make: ferrous metals/square preparation, катанка, pig-iron in чушках, steel sheet, pipes and other hire/, coke, жрк, coal, окатыши, ferroalloys, ores, clay, saltpeter, coal, scrap metal, the grain, packaged cargoes, wood and saw-timbers and т.д..
General extent 7-ìè moorings of cargo area of port makes 1028 m.
Navigation lasts the year round.
The port accepts cargo court in length up to 140 m. and осадкой up to 4,5 m. The technology of loading of courts with осадкой up to 8,2 m. on road from barges with the help of floating cranes is fulfilled.
The port is equipped with modern portal and floating cranes carrying capacity from 5 up to 16 tons, and also all necessary reloading mechanisms.
For accumulation and warehousings of cargoes the port has open warehouse platforms the general(common) area of 46,6 thousand m2. The length подкрановых ways - 1236 m. is present the ramified branch line.
At work through our ports we might offer competitive rates on the services given by ports and fleet of our Navigable Company.
Today for increase of competitiveness our Company has created the integrated structure providing all process of progress of a cargo by a principle " from a door up to a door ", and not just it(him) in port and transportation by fleet.
In port there is a transport-forwarding division which renders to clients a full complex of services by transportation cargoes by rail, at processing the foreign trade and transit cargoes in port, and also by transportation courts ASK UKRRICHFLOT.
. On questions перевалки cargoes through the Nikolaev river port to address:
пом. нач. Port on ВЭС Smorodinov Vladimir Afanas'evich, моб.8067-962-12-25 Ph. +380 ( 512 ) 58-16-09. Å-mail:
On questions отфрахтовок courts to address:
нач. A department of charter and marketing work АСК Укрречфлот Lapenko Sergey Valentinovich,
Ph. +380 ( 44 ) 417-03-64; 417-85-35.
We are interested in long-term and mutually advantageous cooperation with your Company.