


  • 成立于 1965
  • 林地所有者
  • 從50到100名員工
  • 服務

    砍伐 - 森林持續發展 - 機械伐木 - 移動剝皮 - 種植 - 修剪 - 集材 - - 疏除 - - 公路貨運 - 海路和水路運輸 - 鐵路運輸 - 仓储服务 - - 建设服务 - - 生態認證 - 林業專門知識 - 機器保養維修服務 - - 質量檢驗

地点 俄國 185035, 卡累利阿共和國, Petrozavodsk, ul.Andropova, d.2

Open Joint Stock Company "Timber Holding Company" Karellesprom "has a long history, is widely known in Russia, Europe and the world.

Historically, the major sectors of economic activity of JSC «Timber Holding Company" Karellesprom "are timber market and services of forestry enterprises of the Republic of Karelia. It should be noted that the timber industry is the leading economy of the Republic of Karelia. Timber industry enterprises in recent years provide a stable commodity output of about 50% of the total industrial output of the country.

LHK Karellesprom of providing services: implementation, procurement and forest management.

Given the many years of experience "Karellesprom" enter into contracts for the supply of forest products commission on foreign and domestic markets. "Karellesprom" - a reliable partner for the export of forest products.

The main markets are:
Logs of the Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland).
Logs: France, Germany, England.
Contact phone: (7-8142) 78-25-40, (7-8142) 76-60-20
Holding company "Karellesprom" delivers fuel, equipment, automobile, tractor and other equipment for the logging companies.
Phone: (7-8142) 78-55-33

Forest management
Assist in the coordination of the volume and structure of forest resources allocated to ensure the projected production, strengthening of forest areas in the long-term use, summarizing the experience and advice in the use of modern technological processes.
Contact phone: (7-8142) 78-43-34, (7-8142) 78-05-78

In addition, "Karellesprom" regularly organizes conferences, seminars, workshops and exhibitions on topical issues related to the forestry industry. We will help you in organizing and conducting.
Phone: (7-8142) 76-00-28