IP Safronov

IP Safronov


  • 成立于 2003
  • 航運,貨代,物流
  • 1.4 thousand cubic meters 每年
  • 從1到10名員工

地点 俄國 624250, 斯維爾德洛夫斯克州, Ekaterinburg, Oktyabrskaya 11

Dear sirs,

Our enterprise is engaged in manufacture wooden machine rounded poles from coniferous breeds of wood (pine and fur-tree).

Are ready to offer to the buyer machine rounded poles with the following parameters:

Processing of the ends:
·Pyramid / Bevel
·Bevel / Bevel

Diameter: only 80 mm;
Length: 2000 - 2500 mm
Deviations (rejection) max + /- 3 mm

Packing in packs of 1100 mm х 1100 mm.
Sending only by vehicle. Capacity in autotransport ~ 38 м3. Loading of the automobile - from above/

We hope, that you will be interested by our offer.

Yours faithfully,
The manager of a department of selling
Sergey Ivanov
Phone/fax: +7 (34377) 7-38-38
Mob: +7 912 262 6994