地点 俄國 427260, 烏德穆爾特, Uva, Lesnaya 11
“Vostok-resurs” exists on the market since 2002, yet it is based on the territory of a former timber industry enterprise which history starts in 1937. Our main business is sawnwood and round timber production and both domestic and export sales.
Our Company enjoys all economic opportunities to perform the business activity: production facilities, a long-term lease of a timber area, a railway siding for up to 40 goods wagons, timber harvesting machines and a vehicle fleet, our own railway platforms, warehouses and other premises, an automated line for round wood sorting, sawmill equipment, drying facilities, machinery for rounded logs and wood trims production.
In 2014 our Company started getting an independent accreditation for compliance with Russian national standard FSC. And now we have FSC 100% Certificate.