地点 俄國 404102, 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克地區, Krasnoyarsk, Freedom, 34
The company «Volga Service» is ready to put Wood - round a pine, a fur-tree,
Fir, larch, birch from 1000 m. cubic to 10000 m. cubic in a month
Wood Siberian from Krasnoyarsk region and Irkutsk area.
Deliveries of round wood (пиловочника) birches in diameter from 12 and above,
свежеспиленный a round timber at the price of 3200 roubles.
Larch, pine, fur-tree, fir of 1-2 grades of GOST 99.63.88 GOST 9463-88 (a grade 1, 2), GOST 22298-76 (a grade 1, 2) and to other standard requirements operating at the moment of shipment.
1. A pine Angarsk
- Diameter 14-22 - 1800 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 24-30 - 2250 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 32 and above - 2550 rbl. of cubic metre
2. A larch Siberian
- Diameter 14-22 - 2100 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 24-30 - 2350 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 32 and above 2750 rbl. cubic m
GOST 22298-76Э.Бревна пиловочные the coniferous breeds, delivered for export.
1. A pine Angarsk
- Diameter 14-22-2300 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 24-30 - 3100 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 32 and above - 3450 rbl. of cubic metre
2. A larch Siberian
- Diameter 14-22 - 2500 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 24-30 - 3350 rbl. of cubic metre
- Diameter 32и above - 4100 rbl. of cubic metre
Фанкряж from 36-44 - 4700 rbl. of cubic metre
From 46 and above 5700 rbl. cubic m
.Лес a round cedar, for housing construction-sample
-18-24 - 2200 r\m3
-26-30 - 3 300 r\m3
-32-38 - 4100 r\m3
-40 and above - 4900 r\m3
The prices are specified on the item car Novohajsky a code жд 895600 from Krasnoyarsk region and the Price are given on deadlock taking into account loading FREE ON RAIL DEPARTURE STATION.
Loading in the car on the average 65м3
. The company «Volga Service» possessing the own
Industrial base, invites you to cooperation.
Count жд the tariff to a place appointment. If you arrange
Our prices. We ask you to send, the contract on wood call write we will bargain.
Payment under car numbers minimum обьем Wood - round a pine, a fur-tree,
The fir, larch, birch from 200 m. a cube diameters from 14см and above, are ready to send trial 2 cars
Yours faithfully the manager Roman Victorovich
Contact phone 89518797553
e-mail: rsablin@yandex.ru