地点 俄國 630055, 新西伯利亞地區, Novosibirsk
August 2002 Activator Corporation was founded by professionals in chemistry, mechanics and computers simulation. Next generation planetary mill idea was teaming up us to develop the “Activator” mills.
We were developing new planetary ball mill – with highest balls acceleration, computers control of balls moving, jars (reactors) water cooling and 1.5 ton/month productivity. There no such combination in other mills.
The balls moving direction and acceleration in “Activator” mill varied from 100 m/sec2 to 1500 m/sec2 by software program.
The production and testing of development type mill called every faculty of the company into two years of hard work. Two “Activator” mills had delivered to Korea in 2004 year.
The Activator Corporation is developing continues high energy mill with productivity up to 100 kg/hour. Continues mills are useful for large scale grinding and synthesis in powder applications fields.
We are – team of professionals in precise mechanics and chemistry.
Our skills are – planetary mill design and chemical synthesis by high-energy milling.
Our technological approach is – advanced technological solutions, computers simulation and precise mechanics.
Our business is – advanced equipment and technology development with the maximum quality