GC "TITAN" participates in the formation of new Russian FSC standards
“Titan” Group of companies is a member of the National Working Group on Voluntary Forest Certification Association, as well as the Association’s Technical Committee. The holding takes an active part in the development of new Russian FSC standards aimed at toughening of requirements for certificate holders.
Titan’s enterprises strictly abide by the requirements of the Russian forest legislation and voluntarily undertaken moratorium obligations for conservation of intact forests landscapes (IFL). The company’s activities in the forest exploitation and wood raw materials supply are in full compliance with the requirements of FSC standards (FM/CoC/CW), which is confirmed by certification bodies.
Guided by the Russian forestry legislation, taking into account the provisions of the current and new draft of the national FSC forest management standard, Titan Group has been developing a forest management strategy for the leased forest areas for the period until 2025, with participation of WWF of Russia and Greenpeace of Russia as experts.
The forest management strategy of Titan Group will include three main parts: intensification of forest use and reproduction; GIS management of the leased forest areas; meeting the needs of the logging companies in high quality seeds and planting materials.
The holding recalls that Titan Group stands for the establishment of the reserve in the Northern Dvina and Pinega Interfluve area within the boundaries approved by all concerned parties.
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