Effective July 1, 2019, Wolf-Gerd Dieffenbacher resigned from the Management Board of Dieffenbacher. He will become part of the Board of Advisors and will remain associated with the company in various other capacities.


Wolf-Gerd Dieffenbacher resigned from Management Board of Dieffenbacher

Effective July 1, 2019, Wolf-Gerd Dieffenbacher resigned from the Management Board of Dieffenbacher. He will become part of the Board of Advisors and will remain associated with the company in various other capacities. 
Wolf-Gerd Dieffenbacher was actively involved in the company for over 40 years and served as a member of the Management Board since 1985.

With Christian Dieffenbacher joining the Management Board of the family-run machine and plant manufacturer at the beginning of 2016, Dieffenbacher set a course for transferring management responsibility from the fourth to the fifth generation.

The Dieffenbacher Management Board consists of the three remaining members: Christian Dieffenbacher, Volker Kitzelmann and Lothar Fischer. In addition to his other responsibilities, Christian Dieffenbacher will become CEO and spokesman for the Management Board. The roles of CFO Volker Kitzelmann and CTO Lothar Fischer remain unchanged.