Land acquired by The Nature Conservancy to create continuous corridor to support healthy habitats and safe pathways for wildlife.

Stehendes Holz

Timberland Investment Resources sells 758 forest acres in Northern Florida

Timberland Investment Resources sells 758 forest acres in Northern Florida

Bild: Depositphotos

Timberland Investment Resources, LLC (TIR) has completed a forestland transaction involving 758 acres in Northern Florida with a partnership that included The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a national conservation group, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. TNC intends to integrate the property into Torreya State Park, creating a connection with its Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve to enhance wildlife corridors and safeguard habitats. The purchase price was not disclosed.

The lands sold had previously been identified by the state of Florida as providing unique habitat for important native plant communities and wildlife species including the gopher tortoises, eastern indigo snakes, and black bears, among others.

During the due diligence phase of its acquisition of the property, TIR recognized the unique environmental attributes of the 758 acres based on information provided by the state. As a result, the firm had been collaborating with conservation groups to ensure their permanent protection.

As a fiduciary on behalf of a global clientele that consists of institutional investors, like public and private pension funds, university endowments and charitable organizations, TIR is precluded by law from donating land outright for environmental protection or other public purposes. However, it actively seeks to sell conservation easements and fee-simple ownership rights to lands that have unique environmental or recreational characteristics.

Timberland Investment Resources, LLC is a leading timberland investment management organization. It makes and operates timberland investments on behalf of institutional investors.