The 9th FSC General Assembly will take place as a hybrid event in Bali, Indonesia from 9 to 14 October 2022. The FSC General Fssembly is FSC’s highest decision-making body, attracting hundreds of participants from indigenous people, environmentalists, business and others in FSC membership.

Stehendes Holz

The 9th FSC General Assembly will be held October 9-14

The 9th FSC General Assembly will be held October 9-14

The 9th FSC General Assembly will take place as a hybrid event in Bali, Indonesia from 9 to 14 October 2022. 

The FSC General Assembly is FSC’s highest decision-making body, attracting hundreds of participants from indigenous people, environmentalists, business and others in FSC membership. The General Assembly is traditionally held every three years, however the General Assembly planned for 2020 was re-scheduled to take place in two parts at the 2021-2022 general assembly. The first part took place virtually in 2021 and the second part will take place as a hybrid event with in-person and online components.

FSC is a global not-for-profit organization that sets the standards for what is a responsibly managed forest, both environmentally and socially.