Segezha Group has received an ESG Risk Rating from Sustainalytics. This rating puts Segezha Group ahead of a number of its direct competitors and other leading Russian companies.


Segezha Group receives ESG Risk Rating from Sustainalytics

Segezha Group receives ESG Risk Rating from Sustainalytics

Segezha Group received an ESG Risk Rating of 21.4, which puts it in the “medium risk” category as of August 2021. Segezha Group is rated as being in the top 25% of companies in Sustainalytics’ Paper and Timber industry as well as in the top 20% in the Paper and Pulp subindustry. This rating puts Segezha Group ahead of a number of its direct competitors and other leading Russian companies.

Segezha Group has confirmed its commitment to the principles of sustainable development as well as continued focus on environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance. Based on the current rating, the holding plans to implement measures aimed at improving its key ESG performance metrics, including those regarding the Group's participation in the UN Global Compact.

President of Segezha Group Mikhail Shamolin comments: “As a member of the UN Global Compact we pay close attention to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). The ESG Risk Rating from the prominent international company Sustainalytics as well as our entry into the global top 20-25% of the industry list was a very important move for us. We intend to continue our efforts to comply with the best globally accepted practices”.

Segezha Group, a subsidiary of Sistema PJSFC, is a leading Russian vertically integrated timber holding company with a full cycle of logging and added-value wood processing.