External certification audits of the management company and enterprises of the Paper and Package Division were held in the end of 2018 by TMS RUS LLC – a representative of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH, a global leader in field of management system certification.
During 2018 works on preparing for certification of TÜV SÜD were done by employees of Segezha PPM JSC, the management company, Sokolsk PPM PJSC, Segezha Packaging LLC in Karelia and a branch of the enterprise in Salsk (Rostov Region) in the framework of the integrated management system (IMS)* development program.
The project of implementation of ISO 50001 requirements at Segezha Group enterprises implied establishing the energy policy with certain objectives in the field of energy efficiency improvement and a baseline for energy, defining critical areas and understanding elements that have an impact on energy use, cyclic forecasting of energy consumption for a clearer picture of investment and improvement planning, analyzing energy consumption in the course of decision-making concerning designs and procurement of equipment, raw materials or services.
In 2019, Segezha Group will continue its consistent work aimed at support and development of certified management systems in the framework of ISO 50001 and previously received international conformity certificates in field of quality, ecology, occupational health and safety.