When the second 20 megawatt e-boiler starts up in November 2025, it will further boost the mill’s unique ability to switch between natural gas and renewable energy sources – to generate the heat the mill needs to create steam for its paper machines.


Sappi invests in second e-boiler at Maastricht paper mill in the Netherlands

Sappi invests in second e-boiler at Maastricht paper mill in the Netherlands

Bild: Sappi

Paper manufacturer Sappi invests in second e-boiler at Maastricht mill in the Netherlands. Construction of the new e-boiler has already begun, with delivery and commissioning planned for the end of 2025.

In 2021, Sappi invested in the modernisation of its steam generation boiler at its Maastricht mill in the Netherlands. To reduce CO2 emissions, part of the gas-generated steam was replaced by electric steam via the new e-boiler. The electricity used is generated mainly from renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. The innovative technology has proven so successful that Sappi will now be investing in a second e-boiler which is expected to further reduce  CO2 emissions year after year.

“We are delighted that we initiated the investment in a second e-boiler after the successful implementation of the first e-boiler in 2021, explains Ferdinand Koster, Mill Director at Sappi Maastricht Mill. “ We expect the two new e-boilers to reduce CO2 emissions – in line with Scope 1 and 2 – by 14% by 2026 and as much as 30% by 2030.”

When the second 20 megawatt e-boiler starts up in November 2025, it will further boost the mill’s unique ability to switch between natural gas and renewable energy sources – to generate the heat the mill needs to create steam for its paper machines.

The ‘e-boiler’ project is just one of 80 projects targeting decarbonisation Sappi has planned. During the whole project Sappi experts from the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and civil engineering will join forces with external partners to modernise the steam boiler in Maastricht.

Sappi is a leading global provider of everyday materials made from woodfibre-based renewable resources. Sappi Europe is a division of Sappi Limited