The 2019 European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) General Assembly elected its new Board of Directors and President. Sampsa Auvinen is reconfirmed as President of the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry for his third mandate.


Sampsa Auvinen is reconfirmed as President of the EOS

The 2019 European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry 
(EOS) General Assembly elected its new Board of Directors and President. Sampsa Auvinen is reconfirmed as President of the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry for his third mandate.

Ernest Schilliger is reconfirmed EOS Vice President for softwood. Maria Polz is elected for the first time and nominated EOS Vice President for hardwood.

The European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) is a Brussels-based non-profit association representing the interests of the European sawmilling sector on European and International level.