Three new members elected to the PEFC International Board. David Ford elected as the new Vice Chair, and two members re-elected for another term.

Stehendes Holz

PEFC elects three new members to PEFC International Board

Three new members elected to the PEFC International Board. David Ford elected as the new Vice Chair, and two members re-elected for another term.

PEFC delighted to welcome three new board members: Josien Tokeo (Indigeous Peoples), Kurt Ramskogler and Dradjad Wibowo (both Private Forest Owners). 

Josien Tokoe, from the Kari’na people of Suriname, is a member of the Organization of the Indigenous Peoples of Suriname (IOS) and the lead for Human, Women and Family Political and Social Rights in COICA (the Coordination of in the Indigenous Organisations of the Amazon Basin). 

Kurt Ramskogler is Chairman of PEFC Austria, and Managing Director of the LIECO nursery of the Prince of Liechtenstein Foundation. Kurt is also an Advisory Board Member of the BFW (Austrian Research Center for Forests).

Dradjad Wibowo is the Chairman and Founder of PEFC member Indonesian Forestry Certification Cooperation (IFCC). He is also the Founder and Chief Economist of Sustainable Development Indonesia (SDI) and an Associate Professor on the Perbanas Institute.
David Ford, a longstanding board member and Private Forest Owner representative, was elected to Vice Chair, joining Genevieve Chua. Eduardo Rojas y Briales (Forest Science) and Suzette Weeding (Forest Owner/Government) were both re-elected.

PEFC is the world's largest forest certification system.