Eduardo Rojas Briales, former Assistant Director-General and Head of the Forestry Department at FAO and Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, was elected the new Chairman of PEFC International at the 26th PEFC General Assembly.

Stehendes Holz

PEFC elects Eduardo Rojas Briales as new Chairman

PEFC elects Eduardo Rojas Briales as new Chairman

Eduardo Rojas Briales, former Assistant Director-General and Head of the Forestry Department at FAO and Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, was elected the new Chairman of PEFC International at the 26th PEFC General Assembly.

Eduardo takes over the Chairmanship from Peter Latham, who has held the position since 2016.

Alongside Eduardo, PEFC welcomed two new members to the Board, Sara El Kadri and Guy Gleysteen, and three Board members were re-elected, Gerald Pfiffinger, Dradjad Wibowo, and Fatimah Mohammad.


PEFC is the world's largest forest certification system.