Oji Holdings Corporation has commenced joint procurement of imported woodchip, the main raw material of paper manufacturing business, through O&C Fiber Trading, a joint venture company with Chuetsu Pulp & Paper and Mitsubishi Paper Mills, both of which are equity-method affiliates of Oji Holdings.


Oji Holdings launches joint procurement of imported woodchip

Oji Holdings Corporation has commenced joint procurement of imported woodchip, the main raw material of paper manufacturing business, through O&C Fiber Trading, a joint venture company with Chuetsu Pulp & Paper and Mitsubishi Paper Mills, both of which are equity-method affiliates of Oji Holdings.

Purpose of Joint Procurement By jointly procuring imported woodchip which is the main raw material of paper manufacturing business, with the aim of reducing cost for raw materials procurement, competitiveness strengthening of the three company groups will be pursued through the promotion of: making effective use of surplus charter contracts, reducing purchasing cost through direct trading, optimizing supply sources, and reducing fixed cost via operational and personnel rationalization.

Oji Holdings Corporation is involved in a wide range of industrial markets.