Nisula Forest Oy and Top Down Enterprises Inc. have signed a dealership agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Top Down Enterprises Inc. will sell Nisula Forest products and parts and offer customer service in British Columbia, Canada, for Nisula Forest products.
“We proudly present our first dealer in North America! Customers from the West Coast have been actively asking products for forest fuel reduction operations, partly due to the huge forest fires that have happened the last couple years in Western Canada and USA. Located in Kamloops, British Columbia, Top Down is in a perfect spot to offer great customer service around B.C.,” says Timo Savornin, Sales Director at Nisula Forest Oy.
Nisula Forest Oy, located in Jämsä Halli, Finland, is a company that specialises in the design, product development and manufacturing of thinning harvesters, harvester heads, energy wood heads and other forestry machinery and equipment.