Kastamonu Entegre will make considerable investments in renewable energy until the end of 2024.


Kastamonu Entegre invests Euro 70 million in renewable energy

Kastamonu Entegre invests Euro 70 million in renewable energy

Bild: Kastamonu Entegre

Kastamonu Entegre, the global brand of the wood-based panel industry, takes its commitment to sustainability one step further with renewable energy investments. Focusing on the use of recyclable materials, biobased products and renewable energy in line with its sustainability approach, the corporation aims to generate 273 thousand MWh of energy per year by the end of 2024 with the biomass and solar power plants established on its premises in Kastamonu, Balıkesir, Adana, Samsun and Gebze.

The energy produced in biomass and solar energy facilities with a total investment amount of $70 million, consisting of an actual investment of $50 million until the end of 2023 and a future investment of $20 million in 2024, corresponds to the 1-year electricity need of 100 thousand houses.

These investments will enable Kastamonu Entegre to avoid 140 thousand tonnes of carbon emissions per year. With a long-term strategy set for renewable energy, the corporation aims to increase its investments in this field to $170 million by the end of 2026.  Kastamonu Entegre will have met 65% of its energy demand through these investments.

Kastamonu Entegre is specialized in the production of wood-based panels for the furniture, interior decoration, and construction industries.