Ghana’s wood export volumes for the January to November 2019 stood at 280,223 m3 and export earnings were Euro 140.74 million. However, exports in the year to November 2019 were down 24,152 m3 (-8%) and Euro 32.18 million (-19%) when compared to the same period in 2018


Ghana’s wood exports down 8% in January-November 2019

Ghana’s wood export volumes for the January to November 2019 stood at 280,223 m3 and export earnings were Euro 140.74 million. However, exports in the year to November 2019 were down 24,152 m3 (-8%) and Euro 32.18 million (-19%) when compared to the same period in 2018, according to the Timber Export Development Division (TIDD) of the Forestry Commission of Ghana.

Air and kiln dried sawnwood, billets and plywood shipped to regional markets were the main products exported. Of these four products only kiln-dried sawnwood registered an increase (3.5%) compared to 2018, as ITTO reported.

Exports of other products, while of modest volumes, recorded growth with kiln-dried boules, plywood (to non-regional markets), kindling, mouldings and rotary veneer all doing well. Sawnwood exports in the first 11 months of 2019 accounted for close to 75% of the total export volumes of 280,223 m3.

In both 2018 and 2019 the top export product was airdried sawnwood followed by kiln-dried sawnwood. However, while the volume of the former dipped from 2018 (187,882 m3) to 2019 (165,154 m3) the latter increased from 2018 (42,1135 m3) to 2019 (43,614 m3).

Ghana’s wood product exports up to November 2019 went to the traditional market destinations of Asia (69%), Europe (16%), Africa (10%), America (4%) and Middle East (2%), with teak, wawa, ceiba, mahogany and niangon as the leading species.