In February, the average price paid for spruce logs in Finland was Euro 74.0 and for pine logs Euro 70.2 per cubic metre in standing sales. Average prices rose by 1% in real terms from January. Compared to the whole of last year, the price level of logs was 1% higher, according to Natural Resource Institute Finland (Luke).
The average standing sale price of spruce pulpwood increased to Euro 25.2, pine to Euro 23.5 and birch to Euro 24.0 per cubic metre. Compared to the previous month, prices rose by 3 to 4%. In real terms, the price of birch pulpwood exceeded the average price for the whole of last year by 18%. The increase was 15% for pine and 11% for spruce. Since February last year, these prices have already risen by 18–27%.
Pulpwood roadside prices remained at the January level. The average price paid for pine pulpwood was Euro 43.4, for spruce Euro 44.8 and for birch Euro 44.8 per cubic metre. Average prices for the whole of last year were exceeded by 15–17% in real terms. In February, two thirds of all wood purchased in delivery sales was pulpwood.
In February, 3.2 million cubic metres of industrial roundwood purchased from private forests were recorded in the statistics. This was 31% more than a year earlier and 16% more than the average for the previous five years.
In January–February, timber trade was 23% higher than a year ago and the same as the average for the previous five years. Compared to the previous five years, trade in logs is up 3% and trade in pulpwood is down 2%.