Turkish panel manufacturer Starwood has commissioned Dieffenbacher to supply an MDF line in İnegöl, Turkey, that will include a 9-ft wide by 63.5-meter long CPS+ press, the largest continuous wood-based panel press in Turkey. Just two years ago, Starwood signed the acceptance of its new Dieffenbacher particleboard line, one month ahead of the contractually agreed upon date.
Following the engineering phase, installation is scheduled to start in the 2Q 2022. The first board is to be produced toward the end of the same year.
In addition to Turkey’s largest continuous wood-based panel press, Dieffenbacher will supply the dryer, sifter and glue preparation technology as well as the forming station and forming line. Downstream of the press, Dieffenbacher will deliver the press emission control system, raw board handling, STS storage system and the sanding line. Dieffenbacher is also responsible for the plant electrics and automation.