Alex Gambroudes will resign from his position as CEO of the Bergs Timber UK Group of Companies. Jonny Andersson, Softwood Director Bergs Timber (UK) Ltd, will be acting as temporary CEO until a new CEO has been appointed.


Bergs Timber UK Group of Companies CEO Alex Gambroudes resigns

Alex Gambroudes will resign from his position as CEO of the Bergs Timber UK Group of Companies. Alex will stand down effective from the end of March but will remain available to support the transition period until the end of April, as the company says in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

Jonny Andersson, Softwood Director Bergs Timber (UK) Ltd, will be acting as temporary CEO until a new CEO has been appointed.

Bergs Timber produces and sells sawn and further processed wood products. It operates its production facilities in Sweden, Estonia and Latvia. The Group also includes its own port and logistics operations in England.