Accsys has invested over Euro 30 million in expanding the Arnhem site, including improving the wood handling for the whole site.


Accsys invests in Arnhem facilities in Netherlands

Accsys invests in Arnhem facilities in Netherlands

Bild: Fourth wood acetylation chamber completed and now fully operational at Arnhem site

Accsys has successfully expanded production capacity at its facilities in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The first commercial batch of Accoya wood has been produced from its new, fourth acetylation chamber.

Accsys has invested over Euro 30 million in expanding the Arnhem site, including improving the wood handling for the whole site. The new acetylation chamber, which weighs in at 65 tonnes and over 14 metres long, increases the production capacity at Arnhem by a third, up from 60,000 m3 to 80,000 m3 (25.4 to 34.0 million board feet) a year.

In addition to the new acetylation chamber, Accsys has also invested in developing the Arnhem plant’s facilities. The improvements include: new capabilities to support safe and rapid handling and logistics of the increased volumes of wood; and a new quality monitoring and assurance technology with cameras, infrared scattering and x-rays to examine every board to ensure customer satisfaction with the products. A new 20,000 m2 (200,000 sq. ft.) warehouse opened in October at Hoevers, which will provide 35,000 m3 of raw material storage close to the Arnhem site.

Accoya wood has been on the market since 2007 and is now sold by stocking distributors in more than 35 countries.