Scanfir Oy.

Scanfir Oy.


  • Gegründet 1997
  • Nadelholz -Sägewerke
  • von 50 bis 100 mitarbeiter
  • Produkte

    • Tischlerbretter
    Küchenutensilien Holz
    • Hölzerne Getränkerührer
    • Schneidebretter aus Holz

Standort Finnland 02120, Espoo, Oravannahkatori 1

Scanfir Oy is a company founded in 1997 whose operations cover the entire supply chain from logging to timber delivery. The modern manufacturing facility is located right near the Finnish border in the vicinity of Lesogorsk, about 15 km to the southeast of Imatra. The pillars of our operations are the management of our logging rights and logging services in Russia. We manage virtually the entire production chain itself, from logging through export deliveries.

The construction of our modern production plant was started in 2003. Approximately 80% of our production is delivered as pine and fir timber to various wood-processing customers around Finland. We also sell our products to a number of European and Asian countries, including Japan, Austria and Italy. We are growing rapidly and our budgeted annual production for 2011 is approximately 70,000 m³.