Bleichen - Sägen nach Maß Weichholz - Sägen nach Maß gemäßigten Laubholz - Sägen nach Maß Tropenholz geschnitten - Druckimprägnierung von Holz - Holz Wärmebehandlung - ISPM 15 Behandlung - Trocknung - Schälen - Hobeln - Lohn - Dampfbehandlung
Standort Russland 680000, Region Chabarowsk, Khabarovsk, ul.Frunze, 22
RH Russia, a member of the Rimbunan Hijau Group (RH Group) started its operation in Russia since 1997. Started with only one company, Rimbunan Hijau Far East Co. Ltd, we had expanded into a significant timber products groups in Russia with the addition of Rimbunan Hijau International Co. Ltd, JSC “Forest-Starma” and recently our new pride LLC Rimbunan Hijau MDF. The group have one of the largest timber harvesting entity in Khabarovsky Krai with an annual output of 600,000m3 per year. With environmental concern in mind, RH Russia continuosly pursues the policy of rational and sustainable harvesting to ensure the continuity of forest conservation. We always ensures that the best forestry and reforestation practices are being implemented in our timber operations in order to achieve ecological balance, maximization of resources and forest rehabilitation in the logged areas.
Not only so, with our vast experience from different part of the world in timber harvesting and processing approaches, we are also committed in downstream timber processing that produced high quality value added timber products. LLC “Rimbunan Hijau MDF” (RH MDF) was a product of such commitment. In line with Khabarovsk Krai Government’s aim to develop its downstream wood processing industry, RH Group signed the Private Partnership Agreement with Government of Khabarovsk Krai during the First Far Eastern Internation Economic Forum on 19 September 2007. We are proud that our Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) project is categorised as the Priority Investment by the Russian Government.
RH MDF is the first MDF plant in the Far East region of Russia equipped with latest state of art and fully computerized advanced wood processing technology from Germany, Switzerland, Italy and China. The plant is located at Khor, Khabarovsk Krai, with annual production capacity of 180,000 m3 and is designed to produce Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) and High-Density Fiberboard (HDF) in thicknesses ranging from 1.5 mm to 38 mm. The high quality raw material from the region together with selected recyclable wood wastes from sawmills are used in manufacture of premium quality MDF and HDF boards.
This MDF plant investment does not only bring significant socio economic developments in the Far East region of Russia, it also makes positive impact and contributes to the growth and expansion of local communities and economy, both directly and indirectly. With high commitment of management and staff, RH MDF strives to produce superior quality products with high concerns on environmental conservation by converting wood residues efficiently into value added high quality and low formaldehyde emission MDF and HDF boards ranged from E-1 to Super E-0 according to EN Standards. As a responsible multi-national corporate citizen, we are also committed to make MDF plant an integrated part of our sustainable forest management.