Innventia's RISE Bioeconomy division has been delivered the instrument SAXS & WAXS, an advanced X-ray equipment that will be an important complement to the division’s existing analytical instruments.

Wood Pulp

Innventia invests in new SAXS and WAXS advanced X-ray equipment

Innventia's RISE Bioeconomy division has been delivered the instrument SAXS & WAXS, an advanced X-ray equipment that will be an important complement to the division’s existing analytical instruments, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

The new equipment can also be seen as a prelude to trials at the MAX IV synchrotron light system in Lund. With analyses from the SAXS & WAXS, the researchers get preliminary parameters for these trials. Both research activities at RISE and other players have already shown great interest in using the equipment. Thanks to SAXS & WAXS, the possibilities to study structures and crystallinity in cellulose, for example, increases.

“This technology will give us an even better picture of the molecular structure of cellulose in the cellulose-based materials we develop. I think it will also contribute to better processes for tailor-made pulps,” says Tomas Larsson who is responsible for the SAXS & WAXS at RISE Bioeconomy.

“We have already conducted a preliminary trial of regenerated cellulose from our own high-end specialty pulps. The technology seems promising and the instrument is easy to get started with,” says Fernando Alvarado who is one of the first scientists to try the new X-ray equipment.